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Nine of Pentacles (Reverse)
Card 1
This card represents your financial situation and reflects your relationship with money.
Nine of Pentacles (Reverse)

You may experience some loss during this period. You may tend to exhibit irrational behavior. So you should be careful and keep your logic with you.

Eight of Swords (Reverse)
Card 2
This card represents basic affairs related to money and reflects your feelings and thoughts about money.
Eight of Swords (Reverse)

The thoughts and indecision that have occupied your mind for a long time will now become clear and free you. A period has begun when you have left your fears behind and have gained intellectual independence.

Queen of Pentacles
Card 3
This card represents your past impressions and impact on money.
Queen of Pentacles

Expressing protection, experience and prudence, this card says that one can rely more on his own solidity. When it comes to financial freedom, it means being patient and text. Success in professional life, interest in luxury, a beautiful environment, the sense of ownership of the person or thing he loves are the essential elements of the card.

The Hierophant
Card 4
This card represents your spiritual relationship with money and reflects the important lessons you need to take.
The Hierophant

This card indicates conservatism, regular family life and traditionalism. In marriage it symbolizes unity and solidarity. The Hierophant expresses the inner voice to be heard.

Eight of Swords
Card 5
This card represents the actions you will take to change the current financial situation.
Eight of Swords

You are in a period when you put your own needs and thoughts to a secondary plan and allow others to guide you. Your attitude, which you previously acted decisively, has now been replaced by instability. This may be because you are too ambitious in your previous attitudes. Therefore, you may even be said to be in a situation where you are afraid to choose. It will take some time for you to attain peace of mind.