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Four of Wands
Card 1
This card represents you. This is your current feelings, behavior and expectations.
Four of Wands

Your card is the harbinger of a success that will bring you happiness and the pleasure of achieving your goal. Whatever you have hope for, the moment you reap the fruits of it is near. These issues can be a relationship, work, friendship or a health issue.

Ace of Pentacles
Card 2
This card represents your partner. This is his current feelings, behavior and expectations.
Ace of Pentacles

This card, which is the harbinger of concrete events, states that those who are patient and accumulate will reach the reward. Any beginning in your life, these are; it can be business, ownership, owning or buying something, it points to real results.

King of Wands (Reverse)
Card 3
This card is the link card. Quality and characteristic features that bring you together.
King of Wands (Reverse)

He loses his generosity and friendly side. It ceases to be a sharer and becomes selfish. Everything wants its own, it is arrogant. It waits for every request to be made instantly. He is a dominant person, does not hesitate to argue, he thinks only himself.

Knight of Swords (Reverse)
Card 4
This card represents the strengths of your relationship. These are quality aspects that maintain the relationship.
Knight of Swords (Reverse)

This card, heralding enormous misunderstanding and prejudiced attitudes, highlights selfishness and harshness. Therefore, faulty decisions and subsequent vindictive and rude attitudes can be expected. In addition, this card indicates a sudden end or negative development.

Page of Pentacles
Card 5
This card represents the weaknesses of your relationship. These are the points you need to discover in your relationship.
Page of Pentacles

Patience and respect for others' opinions are the characteristics of this card. This card, which says that everything can be learned, is full of instructional messages. Open-mindedness will ensure that you receive all these teachings correctly.

The Devil (Reverse)
Card 6
This card is the card of true love. It shows whether your love is successful and satisfying. It is also a guide to take your relationship to a better dimension.
The Devil (Reverse)

It means getting rid of negative thoughts, fears and materialism. Selfishness is overcome. Great lessons on ambition. Avoid abusive behavior.